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I’ve had some major a-ha moments since becoming a mom. Some leave me thinking, “Why didn’t I realize this sooner?” One that has completely changed my life: understanding that mornings make or break your day. A strong start makes me feel like I’m moving though my day. A sputtering one makes me feel like the day is moving through me.
Was yesterday tough? Experience a #momfail? Did your healthy plans fall through?
This morning, you can start anew.
I need two things to have a great morning. First, I need food—breakfast is fuel. I used to be a serial breakfast-skipper and I never knew I was losing out on so much energy. Now I eat foods that will power me for the next several hours. Sharing some my FAVORITE breakfast options to start my day:
sbobet says
Healthy life expectancy has increased by 1.8 years since 1992. Disabled expectancy? Down a half-year.