I remember being a young girl and wishing for so many things that were beyond my reach at the time. Life has changed so much and I guess I could now buy myself my own gifts. (But, what fun is that?) There is still something magical about this season! Take a look at my wish list this year—
The things I’m wishing for are perhaps shinier and prettier than I could have foreseen years ago. But, per Eartha Kitt’s Santa Baby, “Think of all the fun I’ve missed / Think of all the fellas that I haven’t kissed / Next year I could be just as good / If you’d check off my Christmas list…”
1. Cocoa Bella chocolates: I love this San Francisco shop and their artisan chocolates.
2. Ipad: As a blogger, I would LOVE to be able to read blogs and magazines on this.
3. Louboutin heels: so sexy yet at such a comfortable height. Must pair w/ peg pants!
4. Hanky Panky thongs: the best thongs ever in a range of colors. Def recommend these.
5. Chanel: Dragon is the best red lip, Bel Air glossimer dreamy, & blue polish so sweet.
6. Tom Ford cat eye sunglasses: a chic way to look mysterious and sexy next summer.
7. Seda France and Diptyque candles: in glorious Japanese Quince and Feu de Bois.
8. Louboutin velvet lace ups: beautiful purple, so perfect for this season & the next.
What’s on your wish list this year? xx